Zane 15 Months
Zane at 15 Month:
Weight: 22 lbs 6 oz (20th percentile)
Height: 31" (46th percentile)
Head: 47.1 (48th percentile)
He is walking
He points at everything and says "what's that?"
He is the sweetest cuddler on earth! He loves to cuddle with his mommy and any nursery worker that will hold him.
He loves pushing the Barbie car all around the house. This poor baby needs some boy toys.
He plays with all the cars and balls we have all day long.
He throws EVERYTHING he gets his hands on. I mean literally chunks everything clear across the room. He already has a pretty good arm.
He loves peanut butter crackers, goldfish and apple juice.
He loves to swing outside and watch his sisters play.
He loves bath time.
He can climb up the stairs but not down.
He sleeps great at night and loves nap time.
He loves his little bear "Borris".