Zane- 4 Months

Zane’s personality is just the sweetest thing ever. He is so happy all of the time. He rarely cries. Even when he wakes up in the morning after not eating for 8 hours or so he won’t cry. He just talks, coo’s and sucks his thumb until I get upstairs to feed him. As soon as I walk in the room and look over the crib he stops and gives me the biggest smile. He has a pretty regular schedule and really likes to stick to it. He gets up in the morning, nurses and then about an hour later he gets cereal and some kind of fruit. Then shortly after that (around 10) he is ready for a morning nap. Honestly most times his morning nap is taken in his carseat while we are on our way somewhere, but if not he sleeps in his crib. Zane is probably the easiest of all three kids to put to sleep. He generally will take his paci and wants to be in a quiet, dark room. Pretty much, we just hold him for a few minutes and he will be out like a light. When he is awake he plays on his little play mat and does tummy time until he rolls himself over. Already he is trying to get places when he is on his tummy. When we put him on his tummy, within a few minutes he will have turned himself around or moved in one direction considerably.
He is also the most easily entertained of all three kiddos. Just about anything you do will make him smile and he giggles and gives us that great big belly laugh when we make silly sounds at him. He is so much fun to play with and I call him my little social butterfly. I feel like Henley is pretty social too, so we may have quite a team with the two of them. Haven is more reserved, she is the perfect little responsible, rule following motherly sister. At least I have one of them that can keep the others in check!