So I have discovered three of the best inventions for babies in the last 24 hours.
1. Mylicon gas drops- a must have for all new babies
2. Little Tummies- Gripe water....THE HICCUP CURE!!! Every time Haven has the hiccups, the second she drinks the gripe water they are gone.
3. The wipes warmer. This has made diaper changes MUCH less dramatic in our house.
1. Mylicon gas drops- a must have for all new babies
2. Little Tummies- Gripe water....THE HICCUP CURE!!! Every time Haven has the hiccups, the second she drinks the gripe water they are gone.
3. The wipes warmer. This has made diaper changes MUCH less dramatic in our house.
Yesterday we made our first real outting to Plano for my cousin's wedding shower. It was nice to be able to leave the house. Adam went with me and kept Haven over at my Aunt's house with all of the rest of the men who were not allowed at the shower. It was fun for them to watch the two babies (mine and Shelly's). We had a good time and my grandmother finally got to hold Haven. She had another stroke of some sort (not really positive what it was) the same time my water broke a couple weeks ago and so we were both in the same hospital in different towers at the same time. Anyways, it was good for her to be able to see Haven finally. Here are two pictures from that.
Four Generations

Second, it was so good to see a picture of Anne and BZ. I'm glad you took this picture. You will treasure it forever.
When Joshua was born, there were five generations alive at once. We were able to get one picture of the five of them before Pat's Great-Granny died. I will never forget it.
Where did you get the gripe water? Can i get it at any drugstore or Wal-mart?
You will have to tell me where you get that water...I will need that, I am sure.
Love the pics of Haven! Glad you got a new camera since you have tons of pics to take now.